

Wings album thoughts part 1 of the part 2, (solos and lyric break down)

Hi guys

Here comes the part 2 of "wings album thoughts", i was supposed to write this yesterday but i just didn't get to it but now i was like "just write it god damn it!" and well here it is xD

I thought in part 2 i would be talking about the solo songs and breaking down the lyrics a little bit, so here we go!

Begin by Jungkook:

Begin is the first solo song in the album and it's sang by Jungkook.

Lyrics break down:

"When I was fifteen years old, I had nothing
The world was too big and I was small
Now I can’t even imagine now
I was scentless and completely empty
I pray"

I think in this part he was talking about when in debut days he needed to leave things he knew and loved behind and literally had nothing but the other members.

"Love you my brother, I’ve got brothers
I discovered emotions, I became me
So I’m me
Now I’m me"

Here he talks about how he thinks the other members as his brothers and how he learned to show his feelings to others, as he had difficulty before.

"You make me begin
You make me begin
You make me begin
(Smile with me, smile with me,
smile with me)
You make me begin
(Smile with me, smile with me)"

I think he is trying to say how been in the group gave him a new beginning.

"I can’t take it anymore
Because you are crying
I want to cry in your place
Although I can’t"

Here he talks about how seeing the others cry makes him sad and how he would want to cry instead of them.

"You make me begin
You make me begin
You make me begin
(Cry with me, cry with me,
cry with me)
You make me begin
(Cry with me, cry with me)"

Again how the group game him a new beginning but also other feelings that come with it, other than smiling.

"I feel like dying when my brother is sad
When my brother is sick, it hurts more than when I’m sick"

Again he is saying how when the others are feeling down it hurts him more than when he himself is feeling down.

"Brother let’s cry, cry, cry and get it over with
I don’t know much about sadness but I’m gonna cry anyway
Because, because"

This is where he is trying to say that if they cried now they would feel happy again sooner.

"You made me again
You made me again
You made me again
(Fly with me, fly with me,
fly with me)
You made me again
(Fly with me, fly with me)

You make me begin
You made me again"

In this last part he is talking about how they gave him the new beginning but also how they are now able to fly with the wings they have been growing from the debut days.

My thoughts:

I thought this was a really good song with a lot of emotion from Kookies part. I love how he really opened up how he feels. He has had problems showing how he feels tho others but i love he could do it here.

Lie by Jimin:

Lie is the second solo in the album and it's sang by jimin.

Lyrics break down:

"Tell me
With your sweet smile
Tell me
Tell me like you’re whispering in my ear
Don’t be like a prey
(Be) Smooth like a like a snake
I want to get away"

I'm not really sure what Jimin is trying to say in this but i think it might be how the "idol world" is a lot of sweet smiles but poison behind doors.

"(Ah woo woo)
Get away away away from me
Get away away from me
(Ah woo woo)
Whoever it may be, save me, me
Save me"

In this part he is saying how he wants to get away from the poisonous side of being an idol and is trying to ask someone to help him.

"It continues even when I run away
I am caught in a lie"

He's saying how the "darkness" follows even when he is trying to run from it.

"Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can’t be free from this lie
Give me back my smile"

Here is trying to say how he can't seem to get out from the bad side and is trying to get someone to help him out and getting him to the better/purer side.

"Caught in a lie
Pull me from this hell
I can’t be free from this pain
Save me, I am being punished"

I think he is trying to say that it pains him to be in the poisonous side and how he is punishing himself for falling into it.

"You want me
I’ve lost my way
You want me
Just like me every day"

The poisonous side of the idol life wants him and he has lost himself while trying to not give in.

"I feel so far away
You always come my way
It repeats all over again"

He feels like he gets away from it but then it catches up again and it's a endless cycle.

"(Ah woo woo)
Get away away away from me
Get away away from me
(Ah woo woo)
Whoever it may be, save me, me
Save me"

Again here tries to push the poisonous side away and asking for someone to save him.

"It continues even when I run away
I am caught in a lie"

It think he is getting tired of running away but he still does it.

"Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can’t be free from this lie
Give me back my smile"

He want to get away and smile again but it has become hard.

"Caught in a lie
Pull me from this hell
I can’t be free from this pain
Save me, I am being punished"

I think he is trying to say that when he has been trying to run from it, it has punished him from it and he has been thinking he can't get away if someone doesn't help him.

"I am still the same person I was before
I am here, the same person I was from before, but
An overgrown lie is trying to swallow me whole"

He is still the same person from before but he is fading.

"Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can’t be free from this lie
Give me back my smile"

He wants to go back to what he was before.

"Caught in a lie
Pull me from this hell
I can’t be free from this pain
Save me, I am being punished"

He is asking to be saved and pulled back.

My thoughts:

This was a really heart wrenching song and it got me really emotional. I'm not sure if what i think the song meant is true but that's what i thought it meant. I really like this song and there isn't really anything more i can say.

So guys there is the first 2 solos, i will be writing about the others in different parts because this would have been way too long if i made into just one part. (there is gonna be 2 or 3 more parts)

So yeah tell me do you think i got the lyrics break down right in the comments and i will see ya all in the next part by!


Wings album thoughts part 1.

Hi ya all

i thought now that the album is out i would write what i thought about it and witch of the songs were my favorite.

I know i'm a that bit late with this as the album dropped 9 days ago but better late than never right? xD

But now to the actual thing,

Thoughts on the full album:

I think it was really good and i like that there is all of theirs solo songs and cypher flipping part 4! like holy hell have i been waiting for more parts to cypher xD but back to the main thing.

The songs were a that bit different from each other in beat and in lyrics but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I like when the songs aren't all the same and there is a song for every mood.

My favorites from the "normal tracks" (meaning not the solos) are blood, sweat & tear, 21 century girl, cypher 4 and 1 2 3.

But this is for the part 1 as i'll be making maybe 3 parts (?) who knows but in the next part i will be talking more about the songs individually and telling more what i think about them.

Tell me in the comments what did you think of the album and i see ya all in the next part by!


죄송합니다 (joesonghamnida(i apologize)) and comeback stuff

Hello beautiful people

It has bee a while and i really am sorry for that, i would have written before but i didn't really have the time and i just couldn't form a good blog for ya all, but now i really try and write more and i hope i can keep that up.

Now lets move to the bigger stuff. A lot has been gone down as i have been away from this blog, like wings short films, theories, concept photos and teasers.

The whole family

I have seen all the short films and concept photos but i have not touched the teasers because i want to be surprised when i hear the album.


The films were really well made as expected of bighit, but they were so confusing and just trew my theories out the window and i don't know what to believe anymore and i have seen alot of people struggling with the same thing. But that is expected of bighit to trow us all off of our feet and make our brain go over drive.


The concept photos got me SHOOK, like Kim F*ckin Seokjin with his beautiful pink hair like holy damn i choked on my juice when i saw those pics. Also damn Suga looks fine in his pictures, well all of them did and i was slayed by them all.

Hot af Seokjin

He slays me so bad

Some beautiful yoonmin

I can't wait for the album because i know it's gonna be lit and my mind is probably gonna explode, but thats the struggle of an k-pop fangirl.

That jawline tho

But i think this is all for now, i write probably more when the album and mv drops, so i see ya all then by!
Cute af sugakookie to the end for ya all

Ps. remember to leave you thoughts on the comeback in the comments!