

Wings album thoughts part 1.

Hi ya all

i thought now that the album is out i would write what i thought about it and witch of the songs were my favorite.

I know i'm a that bit late with this as the album dropped 9 days ago but better late than never right? xD

But now to the actual thing,

Thoughts on the full album:

I think it was really good and i like that there is all of theirs solo songs and cypher flipping part 4! like holy hell have i been waiting for more parts to cypher xD but back to the main thing.

The songs were a that bit different from each other in beat and in lyrics but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I like when the songs aren't all the same and there is a song for every mood.

My favorites from the "normal tracks" (meaning not the solos) are blood, sweat & tear, 21 century girl, cypher 4 and 1 2 3.

But this is for the part 1 as i'll be making maybe 3 parts (?) who knows but in the next part i will be talking more about the songs individually and telling more what i think about them.

Tell me in the comments what did you think of the album and i see ya all in the next part by!

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