

I'm angry af right now!

Hi everyone

Many of you probably already know about all this trolling thats has been happening.

I just wanted to have my word out there too because this stuff is NOT okay.

So what happened was that this person started a rumor on twitter that Jungkook has a girlfriend and started to say s*it like "he betrayed us" and someone after that started the damn hashtag... I don't even know what to say about the hashtag other than that its stupid as hell and that who ever started it can go suck a d*ck.

The thing is that when the rumor went out there were couple of pictures of this random korean couple who doesn't even look like Jungkook at all and the thing that gets on my nerves is that people say that they are a "real" fan when in reality they aren't if they can't support the idols with everything they decide or don't decide to do with their OWN life..

I myself support everyone 100 % and i'm fine with everyone of them getting a girlfriend/boyfriend. I can admit that i might be a little jealous but i would still be happy for them and not hate on them for trying to find happiness. Thats what all fans should do and to say the truth when i first became a member of the Army i thought we were a huge family but know even i feel a little ashamed to be part of the name Army because i don't want everyone thinking us others (not haters/trolls) are like the rotten apples that have been making a home in our family...

I don't really know what else top say that i'm sorry Jungkook and every other member of bts and i hope you don't think bad of us because of the few rotten apples.
-Please forgive us!  - Ulileul yongseo hasibsio!  -   우리를 용서하십시오!-
                                              (sorry if i messed that up⇈)

Well thats all for now, you can tell me your thoughts in the comments below, and i see soon by!

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