


Hi guys...

So i think all of you already know about the hate our dear leader of bts has been having lately.

But i'm gonna rant about it anyway and i'm asking please read this all and think about the things i'm trying to tell you.

So i'm really not sure where this all started but i know that some people has been hating on Namjoon about some old lyrics. They are saying that he hates/can't stand women because the lyrics on war of hormone said "A woman is a perfect present" and i tell you guys this i can't think for a second Namjoon or anyone else in bts hates women or is an misogynist. I think that in that lyrics they meant that a woman is a huge gift to the world not saying that women are objects.

Namjoon has even lost sleep because of this because he think he has failed us armys and is guilty because some idiots misunderstood some old lyrics...

I can't really stand this, because me being a member of the army, am really heart broken for him and the other boys (i know they are sad too)

This kind of thing has to stop and if you who ever are reading this is thinking that Namjoon is in fault or any other member i ask of you please leave and never i mean NEVER take your hate on them or say something mean.

Namjoon is a great leader and really cares for the other members and the armys also they are all working hard and they really don't need any more stress on them.

I can't really bring out my feelings enough for this...

All i can ask of you guys is please don't hate on your idols or anyone else for that matter. we are all just humans, we make mistakes and we learn from them, thats just how it goes and our idols are not any different.

Please use the hastag #HugNamjoon to give some love to our sweet leader and remember: We are Armys, we should stick together trough everything like a family!

"Hope we can still see you smile, please don't let the haters bring you down~"

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