

Song Review 6#


Song review 6#


This song was a bang! (see what i did there? no..? ok..)

The song is really catchy and it has this "dark" aura around it and i love it. I love that kind of songs alot (probably why i like one shot).

The mv was good a little bit messy but i still liked it (surprise xD). The a little random lyrics don't suit the mv that much in my opinion and it maybe would have been better without them but who knows.

The song itself has this really nice beat and i like how its first a little ruff and then it gets a little softer and ruff again. Also the start of the song is really surprising, even tho i have listened to the song many times it still gets me a bit of guard but i love it! Not many songs can get me surprised and thats good.

But anyway thats all i can can say about it, now i would like to know what you thought of the song, tell me in the comments as always and i will see ya soon by!


I'm angry af right now!

Hi everyone

Many of you probably already know about all this trolling thats has been happening.

I just wanted to have my word out there too because this stuff is NOT okay.

So what happened was that this person started a rumor on twitter that Jungkook has a girlfriend and started to say s*it like "he betrayed us" and someone after that started the damn hashtag... I don't even know what to say about the hashtag other than that its stupid as hell and that who ever started it can go suck a d*ck.

The thing is that when the rumor went out there were couple of pictures of this random korean couple who doesn't even look like Jungkook at all and the thing that gets on my nerves is that people say that they are a "real" fan when in reality they aren't if they can't support the idols with everything they decide or don't decide to do with their OWN life..

I myself support everyone 100 % and i'm fine with everyone of them getting a girlfriend/boyfriend. I can admit that i might be a little jealous but i would still be happy for them and not hate on them for trying to find happiness. Thats what all fans should do and to say the truth when i first became a member of the Army i thought we were a huge family but know even i feel a little ashamed to be part of the name Army because i don't want everyone thinking us others (not haters/trolls) are like the rotten apples that have been making a home in our family...

I don't really know what else top say that i'm sorry Jungkook and every other member of bts and i hope you don't think bad of us because of the few rotten apples.
-Please forgive us!  - Ulileul yongseo hasibsio!  -   우리를 용서하십시오!-
                                              (sorry if i messed that up⇈)

Well thats all for now, you can tell me your thoughts in the comments below, and i see soon by!


Song Review 5#


Here is the song review 5#

Bts-Just One Day

I'm actually listening to this song as i'm writing this so i can freshly say what i think about it. :)

This song kinda sounds a little different that i'm used to but in a good way. I haven't listened to it that much yet but i can say that it is good.

The mv was kinda cute and it suited the song in a way really well. I kinda wanted a that bit more from it but it was still good.

I don't really know why but i feel like the song and the mv are missing something.. i'm not sure what that something is but thats just how i feel. I don't know what you guys think but thats just my opinion on it.

I'm not saying it was bad or anything, quite the opposite really, i liked it but i was waiting a bit more of it thats all.

Anyway thats all that comes to my mind, now i want to know what you thought of the song and i will see ya next time by!


Song Review 4#


Song review number 4 coming at you :D


This song is a little older than the other i have reviewed but it is still a really good song (i don't even know a song from bts that i don't like xD)

When i first heard it i was kinda against it, like i didn't like it that much but still listened to it.

The second time i was liking it a bit more. And when i listened to it more and more i became to like it.

I liked the mv from the start, it was made really well and it suited the song in my opinion.

I don't know what i like in the song more the mv or the song itself but that i know is that i like both.

One minus point is that my heart could not take how cute they all were then xD

But anyway thats all i can say about the song, now i would like to know what you thought of the song. And i see ya next time by!


Song Review 3#


Here comes the song review number 3, enjoy! :D ;)

Bts-Save Me

I was really exited when BigHit released the video for Save Me. I have heard the song before that and really enjoyed it but now i'm liking it even more because the video was really good and the dancing was awesome.

This kind of music has always been one of my favorites and i could not have been anymore exited when i heard this one.

The song it self is really upbeat but also calm at the same time. The lyrics are meaningful (like all the songs bts has). I just enjoy the whole thing. :)

The song and also the video has that underlying "grey" atmosphere, but i really like it though.

I'm not really sure what else to say about it but anyway, that was part  3 of my song reviews. Now i would like to know your opinion on this song. Tell me in the comments and i see ya next time by!


Song Review 2#

Hi guys!

Here comes the song review 2#


This song is seriously one of my favorites. I like the beat on it and the mv is really good too.

First time i saw and heard it was i was like "Damn this is good!" No joke. The song has that "aura" around it that you just have to listen to it and the mv.. damn that got me thinking about life and shit xD

The second time i was already singing it and dancing to the beat while complentating life xD :')

I really like this kind of music and thats why i got so attached to it. Also its really good ;)

Not really sure what else to say than that its good and i love it? xD

Well anyway i think thats it for this part tell me your thoughts on the song and i see ya soon by!


Song Review 1#

Hi guys!

So i thought i would make a series where i tell you guys what i think of that particular song :) This is the number 1 and based on this one you guys can tell me do you like the idea or not :) (you guys can also recommend songs :))

Bts-I Need U

I don't think i ave ever heard or watched more heartbreaking song. The lyrics as a deep meaning and the mv just brings tears to your eyes. 

When i first watched the mv i was speechless. I didn't know what to think. I was in tears, from the sadness of the video and happiness, because i found such a good song.

The second time while i was still in tears i could dig even deeper into the meaning of the song and i was even more speechless, but in a good way :)

Bts has  a really good talent on making the listeners and watchers to think and dig in deeper into the meaning. They also have talent in making the songs so that they may have few different meanings, depending on the listener, watcher and the singers.

There isn't much more i can say about this song without repeating myself but this i have to say: It's one of the best songs bts have and i'm standing behind that statement. :)

So there was my review of the song I need U and now i want you to tell me do you want me to continue with this series or not and also i would like to know what were your thoughts on the song if you have heard it :) 

But thats it for now see ya soon by!


Favorite Songs :)

Hi everyone!

I wanted to talk to you guys about favorite songs :) Mine and yours ;)

So here is a small list of mine and i try and describe why they are my favorite :)
(not in favorite order)

1. Bts-Save Me

 -I just love this song. It's really catchy and i like the lyrics. Also as the mv came couple days ago i love it even more because i loved the video! :)

2. Bts-Fire

 -This song got me jamming (sorry Jimin even i got Jams ;)) The mv was hilarious and i loved the dance. But in overall it was really good. :)

3. Bts-Running

 -Omg the feeeeels :( this song just got my eyes sweating but it was really good and the mv was really cool :)

4. Bts-I Need U

 -This song....the mv.....My heart was crying and i was a mess trough out the whole video :'( but the song is beautiful and the lyrics has a meaning. :)

5. Bap-One Shot

 -Now this is from another band but i still love the living day out of it. The mv was really good and got me crying at the damn end :'/ :P

There are many others but those are my top 5 and i love them :')
But now i want to know your favorite song and why they are? just leave them in the comments :) ;)

Thats all for now see ya soon by!


My Bias ;)


I thought i would talk about who is my bias from bts and to say it straight: Its Jungkook.

I just...he just...omg xD He is just the cutest thing ever! I get all smiley and giddy when i see a picture or a video of him :3 xD

He seems to be always smiling and acts like a kid most of the time and his voice....oh my lawd! Like a damn adorkable angel!

I just love him! Not to say i don't love the others or that they aren't cute as fuck and hot as hell (which they are) i just love Kookie the most. Right from the start when i became a member of the army i liked Kookie, well who wouldn't? He is adorable! :3

But anyway now i would like to hear who is your bias and why? Also sorry this became so messilly xD i just didn't know how else to tell you how much i love Kookie  :P :D

Buuut thats for all for now! See ya soon by!

A little about this blog

Hello Everyone!

My name is Raven and i am part of the huge family called Army.

I just wanted to say that i'm thankful for anyone who reads this random blog of mine and that everyone is welcome here! :)

I usually am gonna write when ever i feel like it so there aren't any precise days. Also the things i write about are really random but usually probably contain my thoughts on bts in general or their members.

But anyway if you want information about me there is a page where i write about myself a little so you guys can get a small picture on who i am.

Buuuut i think thats all for this "intro" so see ya soon by!